1, 2 & 3 Bedroom
Modern Warehouse

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pay rent online

Through the Cozy app you can securely and easily pay your rent online. To start paying online, just let us know! We will invite you to join. Then you can set up payments.

Erin Stopak: (504) 723-0237, eostopak@gmail.com
Ginger Schwartz: (504) 508-6698, ginger_swenson@yahoo.com

Already set up with us? Log-in to your Cozy account

Read more about some of the convenient features of our online payment system:

Setting up monthly payments with Cozy is easy. Schedule your payments so you’re never late with rent again. Pay with your checking account for free, or with a credit or debit card for a small fee.

Everything we do uses a secure connection. Every interaction with Cozy and all connections with payment partners use bank-level encryption and secure connections that are impossible to eavesdrop on.

We won’t sell your information to anyone.
We will NEVER, EVER, EVER provide it to third parties for any purpose other than to provide you with service or as required by law. We will never sell your information to anyone, nor use it to try to sell you random stuff.

Your data is stored securely.
All of your information is kept under your control, and is kept private unless explicitly shared with another person by you. All of your banking data is stored securely in separated systems, and is only stored for enough time to use that data to set up accounts at our payments and identity verification partners. All sensitive data is securely cleaned from our systems as soon as it is no longer needed. All passwords are stored using advanced encryption techniques that are far better than required by any security compliance program.